Each summer Camp Fontanelle serves families through their summer camp ministry. This unique program continues to help young people grow in their faith. Below are some testimonies of God’s grace at camp:

”God showed me that even without talents you can do cool things”  Zoobilee Camp – Male, Age 11
”God gave me bravery on the ziplining because that was my first time and I was scared. Also, tree climbing because I thought I was going to fall. – Zoobilee Camp – Female, Age 11
”God gave me a sense of strength that I didn’ t know I had.  He gave me the strength to get over my only grandpa’s death, he passed away and I was heartbroken. He (God) made me stronger.” Zoobilee Camp – Female, Age 11
”This week I decided I want to have a better relationship with God.  I’m going to try and pray more and read the Bible more.  I want to start going to church again” Zoobilee Camp – Female, Age 11
”I decided to go back to god and pray before bed and read the bible.” Zoobilee Camp – Female, Age 12
”I loved doing Camp this week and I think I felt closer to God this week!” Tree Monkey – Male, Age 12
”[God] made me realize that I should start spending time with family more. And that I should be more kind.” – Tree Monkey – Female, Age 11
”Even if I make a mistake, or do something wrong, nothing will ever make him stop loving me.” – Tree Monkey – Female, Age 10
”He saved me when I did some bad stuff. Jesus helps me!” – Tree Monkey – Female, Age 12
”When we went to the labyrinth I felt really connected to God and I stepped out like a new person.” – Girls Only Female, Age 13
”I know that God was with me this week.  For one, at the beginning me and some of my friends from last year weren’t as close.  Then we all had an experience that made us all close again ????” – Girls Only – Female, 12
”God impacted my life this week the most at the labyrinth.  There, I really felt his presence telling me that life will work out and to just be patient as for he knows hi plans for me and my future.” – Girl’s Only – Female, 13
”God helped me to feel forgiven for me sins.  God also helped me to look at everyone and everything differently.” Girls Only, Female Age 13
”In the Labyrinth I felt my great grama standing right next to me and I felt like God had sent her.” Girls Only, Female Age 11
”…before I came to this camp I really didn’t know what to believe.  But when I walked up to the cross I felt God with me and I started crying.” Girl’s Only, Female Age 13
”I always fell lonely but I felt Him never leave my side this week” Girl’s Only, Female, 14
”I am so thankful for my counselor.  I haven’t felt this good in a long time.  Now is time to work on forgiving myself.” Ladies of Faith, Female 17

”At the beginning of camp, I wasn’t in it for worship. By the end, I crawled out of my shelter so I wouldn’t miss out.”
– Male, age 13, Survivor
”I felt a new warmth in worship. The music moved my heart. I know it was my last year at camp but it feels like my first.”
– Male, age 18, Survivor
”We continued the worship into the night on our own, as a choice.”
– Female, age 13, Survivor
”He flowed into my heart like a river.”
– Female, age 9, Splish Splash
”He told me to love my neighbors.”
– Female, age 9, Splish Splash
”God could put all of the oceans into a water bottle. He is amazing.”
– Female, age 8, Splish Splash
”God helped me see the real me, and who I really am.”
– Female, age 13, Splish Splash
”He has fingerprints everywhere and I think that is cool.”
– Female, age 10, Girls Only
”He helped me think of how I could overcome my past and be a new person.”
– Female, age 13, Girls Only
”I felt God in the labyrinth. He put a hand on my shoulder.”
– Female, age 13, Girls Only
”God showed me that sharing your feelings with a counselor helps.”
– Female, age 13, Girls Only
”God impacted me by letting me learn the counselors’ life stories.”
– Female, age 11, Girls Only
”It’s okay if we have doubts in life. We have to still hold on and pray, and make our first move. God will help us.”
– Female, age 16, Girls Only
”All of the girls treated the others like sisters, no matter what race they are.”
– Female, age 15, Girls Only
”The campfire is where I really felt peace with God.”
– Male, age 14, Confirmation Camp
”He made me realize that I am still important, even when I make mistakes.”
– Female, age 13, Confirmation Camp
”On the night hike, the clouds parted above us and we had a beautiful view of the galaxy.”
– Male, age 13, Confirmation Camp
”It’s okay to cry because that tells people you care.”
– Female, age 13, Confirmation Camp